Press & Media

by Andy Tomaswick
Universe Today - March 7, 2024
by Brian Koberlein
Universe Today - August 1, 2023
Giornale Radio - Spazio 2050 - May 27, 2023
by Sandro Iannaccone
Wired - May 14, 2023
by Morgane Petit
Sience & Vie - May 13, 2023
Radio Télévision Suisse la 1ère - CQFD - May 1, 2023
by Jan Overney
EPFL press release - April 13, 2023
by Laurence Tognetti
Universe Today - January 29, 2023
A short segment in "Figli delle stelle" - Speciale TG1
by Elisabetta Mirarchi
Speciale TG1 - November 20, 2022
by Passant Rabie
Inverse - June 17, 2021
by Ryan Randall
The Daily Galaxy - May 6, 2021
Radio interview (in French)
Radio Télévision Suisse la 1ère - CQFD - Septembre 2, 2020
Un signe de vie vaut pour 100'000 exoplanètes
by Rino Scarcelli - Septembre 3, 2020
Centomila esopianeti della Via Lattea potrebbero ospitare la vita (se ne trovassimo almeno uno)
by Gianluca Dotti - August 20, 2020
Centomila pianeti abitati nella sola Via Lattea, se c'è vita fuori dalla Terra
by Matteo Marini
La - August 19, 2020
Bayesian statistics and the hunt for ET
by Richard A. Lovett
COSMOS Magazine - August 19, 2020
Segni di vita sugli esopianeti? Nuovi strumenti statistici interpretano le future ricerche
by Pamela Pergolini (Ufficio stampa Ateneo Tor Vergata)
Università tor Vergata, Press release - August 18, 2020
New tools help interpret future searches for life on exoplanets
by Sarah Perrin
EPFL Press release - August 18, 2020
Centomila anni di solitudine
by Elena Borromeo
RSI News - July 14, 2019
Communiquer avec E.T.: est-ce vraiment une bonne idée?
by Benoit Rey
Science & Vie - N° 1222 - July, 2019
by Deborah Ameri
D Repubblica- December 22, 2018
Aliens could be discovered in next 10 to 20 years, british scientist claims
by Hannah Osborne
Newsweek - November 21, 2018
Radio interview (in French)
Radio Télévision Suisse la 1ère - CQFD - October 10, 2018
La matematica scende in campo per cercare ET
by Monica Nardone
Agenzia ANSA - October 7, 2018
This New Tool For Looking For Extraterrestrial Life May Be A Game-Changer — Here's How It Works
by Mia Mercado
Bustle - October 4, 2018
¿Cuál es la probabilidad de que haya extraterrestres cerca de la Tierra?
by Patricia Biosca Celada
ABC - October 4, 2018
L'EPFL dope les chances de tomber sur E.T.
by Emmanuel Borloz
24heures - October 3, 2018
New tool helps scientists better target the search for alien life
by Sarah Perrin
EPFL Press release - October 2, 2018
Alien signals we discover could be the echoes of dead worlds
by Brian Koberlein
Forbes - April 12, 2018
Space aliens could have died out long ago, scientist says
by Seth Shostak
NBC News - April 11, 2018
"Un giorno riceveremo segnali dagli extraterrestri". Ma sarà troppo tardi
by Sandro Iannaccone
La - March 22, 2018
E.T. c’è un problema: la caducità delle civiltà
by Alberto Laratro
Media INAF - March 21, 2018
Is E.T. dead? Scientists listen for a pulse
by Lisa M. Krieger
The Mercury News - March 15, 2018
Here's The Mind-Boggling Reason We Probably Won't Meet Aliens While They're Still Alive
by David Nield
Science Alert - March 15, 2018
If We Do Hear Signals from Aliens, They’re Probably Long Gone
by Matt Williams
Universe Today - March 15, 2018
Alien Civilizations Sending Messages to Earth Will Die Out Before the Signal Reaches Us, Say Astronomers
by Kristine Hugo
Newsweek - March 13, 2018
We probably won’t hear from aliens. But by the time we do, they’ll be dead
by Lisa Grossman
Science News - March 12, 2018
If half of the Milky Way galaxy were filled with intelligent extraterrestrial signals, we would intercept...
by Hillary Sanctuary
EPFL poll: Science Q&A- October 30, 2017
An optimist and pessimist tackle the Fermi paradox
by Julie Novakova and Tomas Petrasek
Clarkesworld - Issue 133 October 2017
Messages from fake aliens decoded quickly in online SETI contest
By Timothy Revell
New Scientist, June 12, 2017
Perchè potremmo non trovare mai gli alieni
by Alice Sarha Breda
Galileo - May 17, 2017 (in italian)
We still haven’t heard from aliens – here’s why we might never
by Leah Crane
New Scientist - April 26, 2017